The redesigned revolver was given the name of New Model Single-Six, and had two pins through the frame instead of three screws, while the earlier Single-Sixes were immediately christened “Old. SO what do I actually have? Box in picture is from my 1950#39s Standard/Mark I Pistol. I bought a 3 Screw, Single Six, 6 1/2quot, SN is 4871XX, has a.22 LR cylinder in the revolver. #1 RugerForMe Single-Sixer Joined Messages 443 Location Greendale, WI USA OK, I got Serial Number overload, and am now confused as to what I actually have. Any help would be greatly appreciated #2 H. Spec, year it was made, what it worth etc etc. Single Six serial number Jliveland82 Help Support Ruger Forum- #1 J Jliveland82 Bearcat Joined Messages 3 Location Alabama I have a Single Six with a 4 digit serial and I can#x27t seem to find anything about it.

Now, one cannot forget the fact that a bunch of Ruger#39s Single-Sixes were produced before the introduction of the.22 Magnum Cartridge. Yes, Ruger used different Catalog Nomenclature to identify the.22 LR Only or the.22 Magnum Only Single-Sixes. The other one has me a bit perplexed, went to the Ruger sight and they do not have info on my serial number.

Ruger Single Six Standard Serial Number History.

The website then gives one the model number, a photo, approximate ship date and a link to the latest owner#39s manual and spec sheet. FYI The old serial number dating charts are gone from the SN lookup section of Customer Service, replaced by a search window in which to enter the SN. Ruger Revolvers - Single Six for sale - Guns International. > DOWNLOAD: Ruger single six serial numbers

Ruger single six serial numbers JRuger single six serial numbers