
Ruger single six serial number dates
Ruger single six serial number dates

The redesigned revolver was given the name of New Model Single-Six, and had two pins through the frame instead of three screws, while the earlier Single-Sixes were immediately christened “Old. SO what do I actually have? Box in picture is from my 1950#39s Standard/Mark I Pistol. I bought a 3 Screw, Single Six, 6 1/2quot, SN is 4871XX, has a.22 LR cylinder in the revolver. #1 RugerForMe Single-Sixer Joined Messages 443 Location Greendale, WI USA OK, I got Serial Number overload, and am now confused as to what I actually have. Any help would be greatly appreciated #2 H. Spec, year it was made, what it worth etc etc. Single Six serial number Jliveland82 Help Support Ruger Forum- #1 J Jliveland82 Bearcat Joined Messages 3 Location Alabama I have a Single Six with a 4 digit serial and I can#x27t seem to find anything about it.

ruger single six serial number dates

Now, one cannot forget the fact that a bunch of Ruger#39s Single-Sixes were produced before the introduction of the.22 Magnum Cartridge. Yes, Ruger used different Catalog Nomenclature to identify the.22 LR Only or the.22 Magnum Only Single-Sixes. The other one has me a bit perplexed, went to the Ruger sight and they do not have info on my serial number.

  • I have two single six 22s, first one is missing cylinder and ejector and shows to be made in 1965.
  • Ruger single six 1963 Views 16 Replies 7 Participants Last post by one3, rlb Discussion Starter What year was my Ruger Single Six? – Sage-Advices.ĪR-556 Model 8504 Lipsey#39s Exclusive AR-556 Model 8507 United Sporting Companies Exclusive AR-556 Model 8517 Talo Exclusive AR-556 Model 8519 Talo Exclusive AR-556 Pistol AR-556 MPR Model 8522.450 Bushmaster 18.63quotAR-556 MPR Model 8532.350 Legend 16.38quotAR-556 MPR Model 8535 5.56 18quot AR-556 Free-Float Handguard Model. Is it normal for it to not indicate magnum anywhere on it? Thanks! surveyor1995 said- I believe she#39s 1966 Magnum only build! Reply Save Rubone
  • I believe she#39s 1966 Magnum only build! Reply 1 recoiljunkie Discussion Starter.
  • ruger single six serial number dates

    Ruger Single Six Standard Serial Number History.

    ruger single six serial number dates

    The website then gives one the model number, a photo, approximate ship date and a link to the latest owner#39s manual and spec sheet. FYI The old serial number dating charts are gone from the SN lookup section of Customer Service, replaced by a search window in which to enter the SN. Ruger Revolvers - Single Six for sale - Guns International. > DOWNLOAD: Ruger single six serial numbers

    ruger single six serial number dates

    Ruger single six serial numbers JRuger single six serial numbers

    Ruger single six serial number dates